From Where I Stand


Yes I know the picture quality is crap, the lighting in the work toilets doesn't leave much to play with. I just felt like I had to document my shoes. You will come to find out that I have a shoe problem, I might do a shoe collection in the future.
Yes, they are the shoes that everyone is talking about, everyone is wearing and every shop is stocking and because I just wanted to test the shoes out before committing to an expensive pair, I chose mine from Ebay.
Normally they would tie round the ankles but I did some DIY and snipped the laces down so they looked neater.
My overall opinion is that I love them! I think they look smart and when paired with jeans they liven up the outfit. I am also really into pointed shoes at the moment.  I have only worn mine at work so I could be in agony if walking around all day but for now 10/10 on the design.
I think I will be investing in the gorgeous pair I have seen in Topshop next, watch this space.


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